Our team of Certified professionals

To provide the best possible service to our customers, we employ certified druggists who can provide professional advice in the event that a customer has doubts about a product or would like to receive some extra information. Our druggists are registered in the Netherlands and have a lot of experience and knowledge. They are happy to help!

You can find more information about our druggists when you click on the relevant diploma.

Contact with a druggist by telephone

A. Flier
Druggist since 2016

Arend: "I am happy to help you by telephone if you have any questions!"

Or contact our Orthomolocular Therapist

E, van de Ruitenbeek

Everhard: "Chatten is often even easier that using the phone. I am happy to help, but feel free to call!"


Our customer service is available by phone +31 318 610526 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We are happy to help our customers with questions regarding orders and product information. Our chat is online on workdays from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM, for everything about product information. And of course 24/7 accessibility via email. Email is answered within 24 hours and often much faster. At the weekend we are not able to respond within 24 hours.